
How will we use fundraising and advertisements to advocate this issue?

Using Fundraising and advertisements is the first step to raise awareness about Ocean Pollution to the audience and bring action.

    Advertisements and Commercials

In order to reduce the rates of Ocean Pollution, we plan to use commercials and advertisements to help raise awareness about Ocean Pollution among the audience. These commercials include pathos to appeal to our audience, such as conveying animals living in ocean habitats being harmed by ocean pollution. These commercials and advertisements can help convince the audience to start caring about ocean pollution.


Fundraising contributions

What we believe in?
Saying “no” to single-use plastics including straws, plastic cutlery, coffee cups, water bottles, plastic bags, balloons, plastic-wrapped fruit, and take-out food containers must be encouraged by organizations.

Who we are?
A group called The Clean Ocean is creating to get rid of plastic from the seas. To accomplish this goal, we must combine efforts to clean up plastic waste that has already collected in the ocean and won’t naturally disappear with efforts to stop the causes of plastic pollution.

What we do?
By taking part in or organizing a cleaning of your neighborhood beach or canal, we and you can help keep plastics out of the ocean and stop them from entering it in the first place. This is among the most effective and satisfying methods to combat the contamination of the oceans by plastic.

How can you support?
There is a cost to everything, and getting funding to reduce ocean trash pollution will be costly since necessary equipment need to be developed and made. A successful fundraising campaign depends on developing relationships with your supporters and broadening your audience. Therefore, with your support, we can reach our goal and make the oceans clean again.

5 Incredible Organizations That Are Making the World's Oceans Cleaner -  Goodnet